Today's Verse

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Pictures that have been promised...

I know I promised a while back that I would get some pictures of Christmas posted, but I have just not taken the time to do it until tonight. So now, for your enjoyment, here is -


Frank and I started our favorite tradition together just last year as Mattie May's first Christmas approached. We have a rather large Christmas card mailing list and love to send out cards. But we always had trouble picking cards that showed not only our personalities, but our love of God and the reason why we celebrate this time of year anyway. So we decided that we would make our own cards with a Christan thought or scripture on the front with a corresponding picture of Mattie May inside.
This year, we chose;

Luke 2:10
"and the angel said unto them, 'Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people' "

along with this picture -
Have you ever seen a cuter angel?
She just makes it so easy,
such a ham in front of the camera.

The next two were the runners up and I just had to share them too.

A good angel always says her prayers.

And even the tiniest angel knows how to properly praise Jesus!

And so now starts the celebration pictures. Our first celebration was at Poppa and Lorraine's (Pete) house on the 23rd.

I just love this picture.
I am not quite sure what she is looking at but this picture shows me what Christmas is about, the wonderment and belief that only children have.
Last year, Mattie May loved the pumpkin pie...
but not this year! We have got to teach this child some manners!

Grammy and Mattie May

Christmas eve has almost always been celebrated at Mom's house. There are two days of the year that she looks forward to, Mother's Day and Christmas eve, so on both of these days, the family gathers at her house. Even though she spent the entire month of December working out of town, she insisted that "the show would go on!!!" And did it ever!

Ever since Katie was little, we have been taking pictures of the little ones under the tree with all the gifts. This year we did it a little early, before all the others got there with their supply of packages. But as you can see, this didn't stop Mattie May enjoying the traditional snap with the gifts. Aren't those cool tights?

Kauy reads as Mattie patiently listens. They are both ssssooo ready to start opening gifts!
Modeling her "Sugar Plum" hat that Tiger bought for her.

When Katie was little, we always spent Christmas eve night at Tiger's because she had a fire place for Santa to come down and we didn't. The tradition of spending the night at Grandma's house continues as they started last year staying with us. Mattie May could really care less about the "Big Man" right now, but we do have a fireplace.

Katie has NEVER been a morning person!
Yes, all that stuff is just for one two year old girl. It's GOOD to be an only child!

Our tree is not as beautiful and elaborate as Mom's, but it holds our 24 years of memories.

Mattie May got...
Tinker Bell slippers...
and new boots, too.
Mattie was so excited about this little snow globe because it had "Micka Mowse" in it. About 5 minutes later it shattered when she dropped it!

Katie got new boots too...
and just couldn't wait to put them on!
This is a lot of pictures, I know, but it really is only about 1% of the ones I took during the holidays! I just love making and recording memories.
I hope your family had as wonderful a time as mine did. We are already planning for next year!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures,you are a natural with the Kodak !!!!!!!!!1

Trina said...

You are soooo good. A wonderful photographer and a wonderful, patient grandmother.

jennwa said...

What cute pictures, you must be very proud. The angel pictures are adorable.