Today's Verse

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I have seen several of my bloggy buddies showing pictures of their homes all decorated for Christmas and some of their favorite items. Well since I don't decorate my entire house, I decided to show you some of our ornaments.

We have ornaments that commemorate our child's birth,

And now the birth of our grandchild.

There are ornaments that tell us of homes we have visited,

and when we purchased our new home,

and where our home and heart are.

You will find ornaments that let you know someone likes to hunt,

and loves to fish,

and that most of the time we fish together.

We have reminders of crafts made when Katie was a child and starting to learn crafts,

and that Mattie May is following in that tradition.

Katie has a pretty extensive collection of memories of her favorite movie,

and reminders that Mattie May is beginning to form her own opinions on movies.

There are Santas of all sizes

and shapes.

And of course it wouldn't be Christmas without angels on the tree

and one on top to make it complete.If you look deep into the branches, you'll find one that reminds us of the blood He shed on a different type of tree.

But of all the ornaments, no matter how big or small, shiny of dull, this angel is my favorite. It reminds me of a time I had to push my daughter to do something out of her comfort zone and how we all learned a valuable lesson in honesty and character.

So that is our tree.

If enough of you ask, I will tell you the story of the scraggly little angel you see above. I promise, it is a lesson everyone can learn from!

Merry Christmas!


Julie said...

Alright, I'm asking!!!

Love your ornaments - very special!!

Shelley said...

You have so many great ornaments! My hubby would like that fishing boat one!