Today's Verse

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Unexpected Donation

Some things in life are unexpectedly expected. There are certain things that most children are going to try that we as parents and grandparents hope that "this" child won't do it. As is such for our Mattie May.

What she did has been done by thousands, no millions, of children before her. Some children do it just once, others do it several times. Some will just do it to themselves while others do it to other children. Katie only did it once, to herself, on Christmas eve at 6:30 at night. That is one exact moment I will never forget.

Mattie May, for some reason, decided to do it to herself, yesterday.

This is something you don't see very often,
Mattie May with her hair down.
She loves her long hair.
I love it because I can style it in so many
different ways.

Yesterday for some reason,
she climbed up and got the scissors down
from their storage place while she was at karate.

This is how she came home!

So glad it was only her hair.
So thankful she didn't fall on the scissors
while she was trying to get them.
So glad my hairstylist is also my
fishing buddy and best friend.

I called her just as she was leaving her shop and
declared we had a hair emergency!
She told me to head to her house!

Michelle assessing the damage.

She even had to have a picture to show her

Getting her prepped.
Putting the remainder in a braid.
(More on the braid later)

Katie was doing OK until here...

One final cut and the braid is gone.

Yep Mattie May,
It's really gone!

Now to shape it up.

Some final touch ups...

and Viola!
cute and sassy,
just like Mattie May!

Now back to that braid, It was just long enough to donate to Locks of Love. So because Mattie May decided yesterday to do what so many children have done before her, she will be helping another child. We are so blessed that she is healthy and all that hair will grow back.

Until next time.

God Bless.

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