Today's Verse

Thursday, September 27, 2007



Bear with me while I do some rambling before I get to the real excitement. I read "Today's Scripture" (Zechariah 8:21) from and a couple of pictures came to mind.The first picture that came to mind, of course, was my Mattie May. Any time we are getting ready to go somewhere, we tell her "Go to the front door," and being the perfect obedient child that she is, she does as told. If she has to wait anytime at all, she comes running back yelling "Com'on, com'on". Oh so cute in her little toddler voice. She is always excited to anywhere.

The next picture I have is one of a lizard in her "Baby Einstein - Baby Noah" DVD. He is sitting on a rock, "waving" with his front foot as if to say "Come on, join me for the fun". This is an actual lizard, not animated. Just how long did the videographer have to wait for that perfect shot?

These two images along with "Today's Scripture" lead to my excitement. Sunday is Celebration Sunday at Southern Hills and I am excited. What better way to lead our community to Christ! Tell everyone you know to "Com'on! Meet me on Sunday. Let me tell you about Christ my Saviour!"

If you are going to be there, I will see you there. If you are interested in coming, leave me a comment and I will tell you more! I hope you are as excited as I am!

1 comment:

Anne said...

You forgot to mention the free food! Come on! Let's feast on burgers, hot dogs, and the goodness of Jesus!

I'll be there!