Today's Verse

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mattie May's Excellent Disney Adventure Funny Thing Day Three

I had some technical difficulties getting her journal scanned today. We will continue with that tomorrow. I am still working on getting pictures order from Disney PhotoPass so no pictures to post. And to add to my headaches with pictures this month, Scrapblog is combining with MixBooks. I have to download all my pages or I will loose them! Argh! Oh well, I'll get it done.

I just didn't want to miss a post so thought I would give you a funny.

We ate a quick breakfast at The Contempo then caught the bus to Animal Kingdom. These buses are usually crowded but the best way to travel between the parks. Frank was standing in front of me, Katie to my right and Mattie May on my lap looking out the window over my shoulder. We picked up some passengers, some non-English speaking women, and one set beside me.

As we were traveling down the road, Mattie May whispered in my ear "I tooted." As I was explaining that we shouldn't do that in public, we heard Frank "Mattie May?! Was that you?" I smiled but then got tickled when Katie grabbed my knee and nodded to the lady next to me. She was trying to politely hold her nose while giving Frank a very stern look. She thought he had done it! We couldn't help but laugh out loud and try to explain that MM had done it. We think she understood because she too started laughing!

One of the more priceless experiences of our trip!
More tomorrow.

God Bless!

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