Today's Verse

Friday, November 30, 2007


B- Bells I am thankful for the bells. Everyday at noon and five, the churches downtown ring their bells. They play beautiful old songs. The Old Rugged Cross and Amazing Grace are examples. It is so pretty. I love to hear them.

And also... "every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings." (from It's a Wonderful Life)


Trina said... I am thankful for my bed. It is big enough for little bodies to curl up next to me on both sides. It is warm and cozy on the nights I am alone and it is cold. It provides a good rest so I am ready the next day AND I have not had to leave it before 6:30AM for the past 5 weeks.
BUT........I get to cheat today. I am also thanful for my dad Bill, BB and Brandi!!!!!! I would rather have them than the bed because they provide lots of love!

Anne said...

Let's see...B...I am thankful for balloons. Yesterday was my sweet Hope's 3rd birthday with Jesus, and I am so thankful we can write our messages of love on those balloons and send them floating up to Heaven for her. Those balloons remind me of my sweet Hope, but also of the Hope we have in Jesus of living forever in Heaven!