Z - Zero... Zero letters left to be thankful for! We have made it through all twentysix lettes of the alphabet.

This was a lot of fun, but some of these letters have been hard. Thanks to
all of those (Trina) that played along on a daily basis. And thanks to all who lurked but didn't comment. Even though I didn't get comments, I love you anyway.
Also, zero days until Christmas. Happy Birthday Jesus. I look forward to the day when we all celebrate together at the foot of the throne.
I admit it!! I have lurked. It has been so much fun reading your blog and Trina's responses. Ya'll have a wonderful Christmas. Hope to get to Abilene in the near future or maybe ya'll can come out to Odessa.
Z.........Zowie, you got a WRITTEN comment from Suzie!!! I am impressed. (that was a bonus "Z")
Z.........Zoo Sometimes there is nothing more fun that just walking though a zoo and watching the kids.One of my favorite zoos is in Garden City, Kansas. You can drive around in it, or park and get out. They have a great variety of animals, and there is something to be said for its big zoo in a small town that is astounding. Another favorite is the Cheynne (sp) Zoo in Colorado Springs. It is on a mountain side. It is where I saw my first hippo poop. I asked Kelly..."What are those huge black things in there?" He about fell in laughing.
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